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8 Ways We’re Falling for Apples

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The days grow shorter, and the air turns cooler (hopefully soon here in sunny Florida!), and there is an exciting vibe as the season we have eagerly awaited is here: fall. Fall is a time of warm and vibrant colors, cozy sweaters, and the aroma of delicious comfort foods wafting through the air. While a lot of us look forward to all things pumpkin, we can’t forget the beloved apple.

The old “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” holds some truth. Apples are packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. They are also a delicious snack that satisfies the sweet tooth. With a variety of types to choose from – Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, Gala, Red Delicious, and more – there is an apple for everyone!

8 ways to celebrate fall with apples

Families and friends gather at orchards in their cozy flannel shirts and cute boots and set out to fill baskets with crisp, juicy apples. It’s a tradition that brings people closer and creates lasting memories.

Apples can be used in a wide range of culinary delights. From classic apple pie to savory pork chops and applesauce, to one of our favorites, apple cider sangria. Preserve applesauce and apple butter to enjoy throughout the season or give as gifts.

The sense of nostalgia that apples bring is pretty magical, too. Childhood memories of hayrides, visiting local farms and pumpkin patches, while sipping on a cup of spiced apple cider takes us back to simpler times that warms the heart.

The way we see it, fall and apples go hand in hand, creating memories and traditions that make this season so special. So, bake a pie, stroll through an orchard, or enjoy a crisp apple on a beautiful autumn day, and take a moment to savor the beauty of fall and the simple, yet extraordinary, apple.

We’ve listed a few of our favorite ways to celebrate apples below and hope you’ll give them a try!

8 Fall Apple Ideas

Find an apple festival near you –

Apple pie – This recipe from Bless This Mess Please is a classic for fall!

Apple tea lights

candle apple tea light centerpiece idea for fall

Turkey apple sausage – my mom makes this recipe in batches to reheat for a quick and easy breakfast!

Apple cider sangria

fall apple sangria cocktail recipe

Apple stamps – We did this using pears originally, but you can totally use apples as well!

#crepes [#AD] These pear stuffed crepes made with @Truvia’s calorie-free stevia sweetener are the perfect autumn alternative to traditional fall flavors! #fallrecipes #brunch #pearrecipes

Apple muffins

Simple apple snack – cut apple slices and spread with peanut butter or your favorite nut butter or sun butter

apple snacks - peanut butter and apples