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Baby Items That Will Last Your Child Past Toddler Years

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I recently shared some of my (and your) top picks for a baby registry. (You can see that post here.) Today I wanted to expand on this and share some of the best baby items that last beyond the toddler years. Most of these baby items have lasted us well past age 3 and even at our current stage (kiddos are 6 and 4 now). 

Shopping quality baby gear and care items helps save money long term! That’s why I love shopping at Walmart. Walmart Baby Registry makes it easy to shop quality baby name brands that will last for years. You can easily manage your registry from the Walmart app along with Online Grocery Delivery for everyday items like diapers, wipes and formula (and even a quick dinner option for those especially hard days).

Baby Registry Items That Last Beyond Toddlerhood

1. Crib

Most cribs have the ability to convert and grow with your child. Our cribs have been toddler beds and then later turned into full size beds.

2. Dresser

A good dresser is even one that can last well past toddler years. We never purchased a changing table, but rather added a changing pad to the top of the dresser instead.

3. Baby Shampoo

Does anyone even know when you’re supposed to switch from baby shampoo to regular kid shampoo?? Because we’re still over here rocking this stuff on our 6 and 4 year olds.

4. Diaper Backpack

We opted for a gender neutral color diaper backpack so that either my husband or I could carry it anytime we had the kids. While most have extra pockets and organizers inside, from the outside it looks like your typical backpack. Perfect for use even after the kids grow up.

5. Crib Mattress

One of the most popular and highly rated crib mattresses will also be used in the toddler bed.

6. Rocker or Glider

Our glider has seen many, many nights and days of sick and sleepy cuddles, feeding and reading times. Only just recently have we re-homed our glider to my parent’s house.

7. Convertible Car Seat

From baby to booster, this is the only car seat you’ll ever need. 

8. Baby Monitor

Another highly rated video monitor with handheld unit. We still currently have a camera in our 4 year old’s room. It’s nice to be able to check in when he’s playing in his room.

9. Security Item/Blanket

My daughter received a soft, cotton pink blanket at my baby shower and at 6 years old it’s still holding strong as her sleep companion.

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