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Keto-Friendly Iced Coffee for Spring

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This iced coffee recipe is keto-friendly, creamy, and sweetened with Truvia.

The days are quickly getting warmer here and while I love sipping on my hot coffee in the morning, I always switch to iced in the afternoon.

Now that we’re spending more time at home these days, I’ve started experimenting and making my own keto-friendly iced coffee.

For this iced version, I switched out my usual ghee with heavy whipping cream. To sweeten the iced coffee, I’m using Truvia® Sweet Complete™, a new calorie-free sweetener.

Truvia® Sweet Complete is a NEW and delicious blend of stevia leaf extract, chicory root fiber and erythritol. It’s an all-purpose, calorie-free sweetener that bakes and browns in recipes and equally measures (1:1) like sugar. With Sweet Complete, I can enjoy my favorite foods and drinks with less sugar.

#keto #lowcarb #icedcoffee keto-friendly iced coffee recipe made with Truvia Sweet Complete – an all-purpose, calorie-free sweetener #TruviaPartner

Iced Coffee Recipe


1 c strong brewed coffee

¼ c heavy whipping cream

1 tsp Truvia® Sweet Complete (more or less depending on preference)

Vanilla extract (optional)



1. Fill your cup with ice cubes and pour in brewed coffee.

#keto #lowcarb #icedcoffee keto-friendly iced coffee recipe made with Truvia Sweet Complete – an all-purpose, calorie-free sweetener #TruviaPartner

2. Add Truvia® Sweet Complete and heavy whipping cream.

#keto #lowcarb #icedcoffee keto-friendly iced coffee recipe made with Truvia Sweet Complete – an all-purpose, calorie-free sweetener #TruviaPartner

Optional: Stir in vanilla extract and top with whipped cream* and cinnamon.

#keto #lowcarb #icedcoffee keto-friendly iced coffee recipe made with Truvia Sweet Complete – an all-purpose, calorie-free sweetener #TruviaPartner

*Use a hand blender to whip heavy whipping cream for 4-5 minutes until stiff peaks form.

Tip: This recipe works well blended too! Just throw it all into a blender.

For my non-Keto friends, serve with a low-sugar Blueberry Oatmeal Yogurt Breakfast muffins for a complete breakfast.

#keto #lowcarb #icedcoffee keto-friendly iced coffee recipe made with Truvia Sweet Complete – an all-purpose, calorie-free sweetener #TruviaPartner