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Nap time was the most coveted time of day in my home. When my three year old started phasing out of naps we were extremely distraught. The idea of not having that break mid-way through the day just wasn’t going to fly. So as soon as she started trying to leave her room because she “wasn’t tired” we immediately transitioned into quiet time. I wanted to share a few reasons why we do it and feel it’s really beneficial for the family dynamic.

What is Quiet Time?

Quiet time is basically the time that took over the now non-existent nap time. It’s 1.5-2 hours midway through the day, usually right after lunch, where she’ll go into her room and hang out quietly by herself.

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dollhouse // red dress (affiliate links)

Who needs Quiet Time?

Basically all moms. Well the kids too. Any child that has phased out of nap time should transition into quiet time. It’s a much needed break to calm their minds and just process the day. As parents we all know there are moments throughout the day where we just need a break. We don’t want to be touched, talked to, or breathed on. Before anxiety and frustrations get high, we take a break. This quiet block of time is good for the soul.

, Tampa parenting blog mothers blog motherhood blog Florida travel blogger travel influencer healthy mom blogger spring hill florida lifestyle parenting blog best mom blog 2018

, Tampa parenting blog mothers blog motherhood blog Florida travel blogger travel influencer healthy mom blogger spring hill florida lifestyle parenting blog best mom blog 2018

Where does Quiet Time Take Place?

My daughter typically heads into her bedroom for about two hours each afternoon. She has a bookshelf full of books to read, a dollhouse to play with and on occasion she’ll take crayons with her to color at her table. While I like for this to be electronic free, on the weekends sometimes she’ll take the iPad with her, but during the week is electronic-free.

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The only rules are that she stay in her room until her nightlight/sound machine turns off. (this machine is the same one we use in our bedtime routine.) Each day it’s programmed to light up during the quiet time block and once the colored light goes out, she’s free to come out of her room. The only exception is if she needs to use the bathroom. All drinks and snacks are taken care of at lunchtime prior to quiet time. Transitioning into quiet time took a little work and patience. We would continue to remind her that she did not need to go to sleep, like she did with nap time, but she did need to stay in her room and be quiet.

Do your kids take a Quiet Time? What does it typically look like?

Tampa parenting blog mothers blog motherhood blog Florida travel blogger travel influencer healthy mom blogger spring hill florida lifestyle parenting blog best mom blog 2018

, Tampa parenting blog mothers blog motherhood blog Florida travel blogger travel influencer healthy mom blogger spring hill florida lifestyle parenting blog best mom blog 2018