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The $6 DIY Play Kitchen Mini Makeover

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Our KidKraft vintage play kitchen received an easy $6 DIY makeover using copper rose spray paint.

We just revealed our playroom design board and something came over me to give the play kitchen a mini makeover so that it fit better with the overall vibe.

I grabbed a $6 can of Rust-Oleum All Surface Metallic Copper Rose spray paint and primer in one and set out for the remodel. First I removed all of the silver handles, stove burners, knobs and feet.

Tip: poke holes in a cardboard box to hold knobs for easy spray painting.

All accessories received two coats of this super pretty metallic spray paint. You can use a clear gloss spray paint to protect your spray paint against the harsh play of small children.

That’s it! A super easy, inexpensive DIY project that can be done in a couple hours.

Play Kitchen Makeover


KIDKRAFT play kitchen makeover, how to give your kids play kitchen an easy and inexpensive makover
KIDKRAFT play kitchen makeover, how to give your kids play kitchen an easy and inexpensive makover
KIDKRAFT play kitchen makeover, how to give your kids play kitchen an easy and inexpensive makover

Stay tuned for the playroom reveal!