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Ever since I had kids I couldn’t wait to take my kids to a farm for fruit picking. I had seen friends who had kids before me taking their little ones to the local farm and it just looked like a blast! It was definitely something I wanted to do with my toddlers. Strawberry picking with toddlers is so fun and can be educational too! They learn exactly where produce comes from and how it gets picked all while supporting their local farmers.

Strawberry Picking with Toddlers at a Local Farm

Over the weekend we took the kids to our local strawberry picking farm, JG Ranch in Brooksville, Florida. Thankfully we did a little research beforehand and came prepared. Boots are a must when you take your toddlers to a berry farm. The ground is wet and muddy from the watering system. Each of my kids received a bucket to fill and of course when it got to heavy for them guess who had to carry it. Our farm gave us one rule to follow….One in the bucket for every one in your mouth. 😉 Seemed fair to me!

Strawberry Picking with Toddlers at a Local Farm Strawberry Picking with Toddlers at a Local Farm

Tips for Taking Toddlers Strawberry Picking

1. Call before you go!

Save yourself a trip if needed. Your farmer will let you know if the berries are ripe enough for picking and also if there is plenty to be picked. We went on a day where the day before had been crowded. It was slightly picked over, but there was still enough for us with a little digging around.

2. Don’t bother with a stroller.

My little guy is about 19 months but he was pretty much able to walk most of the time. Regardless there’s no way you’ll be able to push a stroller through the mud. If you have little ones that aren’t walking using a baby carrier would work best.

3. Bring cash.

I NEVER have cash on me. Thankfully my mom did! Most local farms do not accept credit cards so grab some cash before you go.

4. Bring baby wipes.

My kids were covered in strawberry juice and mud. Those fresh berries are the juiciest things you’ll ever eat! Pack a small diaper backpack with baby wipes and drinks for the kids.

5. Dress appropriately.

As I said these farms can be pretty muddy from the sprinkler systems. Wearing rain boots is a good idea. Also make sure to apply plenty of sunscreen and bug spray.

6. Go with the flow!

It’s a wide open space so you’ll be able to see your kids at all times. Let them go with their buckets and explore! You may need to explain the colors and what’s best for picking first. My 3 year old had a great time just wandering the lanes and site seeing!

To find a U-Pick farm near you click here

Strawberry Picking with Toddlers at a Local Farm Strawberry Picking with Toddlers at a Local Farm Strawberry Picking with Toddlers at a Local Farm Strawberry Picking with Toddlers at a Local Farm Strawberry Picking with Toddlers at a Local Farm

Kristen Lawler

Thursday 11th of May 2017

Great tips! I'm so glad I read this, I plan on taking the girls this month to pick strawberries

XO Kerry

Thursday 11th of May 2017

Great tips! We plan on taking our daughter next month. Our strawberry season is a lot later than yours! I love the farms one rule :)

Chanel van Reenen

Wednesday 10th of May 2017

I love his little outfit! I need to take my kids strawberry picking just for the photos lol!

Jacki Quinones

Wednesday 10th of May 2017

Yes!! They make the best photos!!

Stephanie Spor Gilbert

Wednesday 10th of May 2017

Great tips....I would probably not even think about bringing cash! This does look fun. I need to take my kids!

Jacki Quinones

Wednesday 10th of May 2017

It's a great, cheap thing to do with the kids too!

Shannon Marie

Tuesday 9th of May 2017

What a fun day! And homegirl is seriously styling! I'll only go if I can dress like her!

Jacki Quinones

Wednesday 10th of May 2017

Hahha she is style goals!

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