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Sharing is caring!

They’re only young once.

The dishes can wait.

Babies don’t keep.

Recently a new mama posted a question online to her friends, asking for a serious answer. Those three responses above were given as answers over and over. The mom wanted to know how she was supposed to get anything done while her sweet baby slept on her. Honestly I couldn’t believe the answers she received. While these women all had good intentions it didn’t seem to help solve her overwhelming issue of smelly dishes and laundry piling up. So to all the well-meaning moms who tell a new mom everything else can wait…Stop.

Stop because they don’t wait. The faint smell of baby puke and sour food in the sink is making her queasy. She’s spent the last few days listening to your words of wisdom telling her everything else can wait.

We all know babies aren’t babies forever. The sweet smell of baby skin will eventually fade. But the growing pile of laundry will not magically disappear. The floors your baby crawls around on will not automatically clean themselves.

Moms come with all types of experience. We’re all quick to offer unsolicited advice, but when it’s actually asked for she’s left feeling even more guilt for not just enjoying the moments. We’re all adults with responsibilities (yea, I know it sucks) and there’s no better time to tackle your to-do list then when your baby is sleeping leaving you more time to be present with them while they’re awake.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed my share of baby snuggles and cuddles. But the clichés get old and the things actually DO need to be done. So the next time she asks “how do I….” you answer it with a logical solution or piece of advice.

So well-meaning moms, unless your advice of “The dishes can wait…” is followed up with “until I get there to do them for you.” STOP.

Alina Orozco

Friday 17th of November 2017

Really great points, love it!


Alina |


Friday 17th of November 2017

I completely agree. This type of comment drives me nuts too. Angela

Because I Said So Baby

Thursday 16th of November 2017

So on point!!

Eryka Spera

Thursday 16th of November 2017

boom! I love this Jacki! well said

Jacki Quinones

Thursday 16th of November 2017

thank you Eryka! It's nice to know I'm not alone!

Jaclyn Musselman

Thursday 16th of November 2017

That stage is so temporary but when you are in it it seems hard to believe. Good suggestion to help other moms who are in this boat!

Jacki Quinones

Thursday 16th of November 2017

Thank you Jaclyn! It is temporary, but so hard when you're in the thick of it.

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