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14 Items You Need to Get Rid of TODAY

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CLUTTER. Ugh I shutter at the thought.

Clutter is one of those things I actively have to work on to rid my home of. My kids are natural born hoarders, saving everything from old magazines to dead flowers they picked outside.

If you’re following us on Instagram, you’ve probably seen the #CLWL20Challenge. Today is Day 9: Getting rid of 3 things you never use.

If you’re having trouble locating or parting with things to get rid of, I’ve prepared a list of 14 things you probably have in your home that you can get rid of right now.

getting rid of stuff minimalist
how to get rid of unwanted items in your home
things to get rid of in your bedroom
things to get rid of in your life
how to get rid of clutter fast
how to get rid of stuff before moving
how to get rid of things with sentimental value

14 Things in Your Home You Need to Get Rid Of

  • Expired Spices
  • Old Magazines
  • Puzzles/Games with Missing Pieces
  • Sheets that don’t fit any beds in your home
  • Expired medicines
  • Lipstick colors you bought because they looked good on someone else, but you actually hate them on yourself.
  • Old Nailpolish
  • Shower Clutter: old loofahs, empty shampoo bottles, etc.
  • Opened/Unopened Mail. Make sure you don’t need it + toss it!
  • Old keys in your junk drawer that you don’t even know what they could open.
  • Mini Donut Maker – or some odd small appliance you bought, used once and stored away.
  • Old Sneakers – You ran them ragged, bought new ones….but the old ones are still sitting in your closet. Why? The memories?
  • Hotel/Travel Toiletries: Stop trying to be Ross Geller. You’ll never use them again. You’ll plan the trip, make another Target run and buy all new travel size bottles.
  • Unused Perfume : Some beauty blogger recommended a perfume and it smells terrible. It’s not going to get better with age. Toss it.
  • Dead plants