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The Story Box

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Isabella has always loved books since the time she was a baby. She would take a pile and drag them over to her little recliner in her room and that’s where I would find her. We would read, point out pictures, and make animal sounds. Gabriel also shares a love for books and I couldn’t be happier. Although his attention span isn’t quite what Isabella’s was at that age. I recently came across The Story Box Family Package that I thought I would share with you.

Join The Story Box is a monthly subscription box of children’s books. You can select from three different packages; Board Book Package, Picture Book Package, or the Family Package. Each package contains 2 books that are yours to keep! We selected the Family Package that contains one board book, one picture book, and a creative prompt.

The board book we received was The Napping House book by Audrey Wood. It was super cute and very entertaining for all of us. I was cracking up as I was reading it. Definitely recommend you look into getting that one for your kids. The picture book was geared towards Isabella’s age group, called How the Crayons Saved the Rainbow. The book was actually received at the perfect time. We had recently seen several rainbows in the sky after our frequent Florida storms. Isabella was obsessed with them! She wanted to touch them!

When you receive the picture book it comes with a parent guide and a challenge card. Our challenge for the month (for both books) was to practice vocabulary. Find a few words in each book that your child may not recognize and go over them, repeat them, practice saying them. Gabriel is a pretty smart kid. He may not have the vocabulary yet, but if we ask him something from his daily routine he will agree or disagree. (Ex: Gabriel, do you want milk? Nods yes and says uh-huh)

The parent guide for our book detailed out three different suggestions for language concepts and activities based on age appropriateness. Isabella can take a book we’ve read a million times and based on the pictures “read” it back to us. Our activity prompt suggested we use finger paints to draw clouds, rainbows, the sun and rain. I took the less messy approach and broke out the crayons and a blank piece of paper. 😉 I asked her if she’d like to draw rainbows. She was so excited!! We discussed all the colors in the rainbow, how to draw the sun and so on.

I would definitely recommend this subscription to everyone! Its tailored to your child’s age and is so creative building on a story. Honestly I never would have thought to take a book and make an activity out of it.

Check out Isabella drawing the sun and a rainbow for the first time! So proud of my girl!

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Order your child’s Story Box today and Save $6 with code TAKESIX!

Follow Join The Story Box on Facebook and Instagram.


Join the Story Box Reading and Creative Prompts for Early Learners

*This post contains affiliate links which means I may be compensated for purchases. Our love for this product is real, as are all opinions expressed. For more information refer to the Disclosure page.


Saturday 3rd of September 2016

I love all the subscription book boxes lately! It's so perfect for me and the kids.

Stephanie Gilbert

Friday 2nd of September 2016

I never would have thought to do activities based on a book either. How creative! Love the concept behind this box!

Linley Noel

Thursday 1st of September 2016

Ooo I absolutely love this idea! I'm sure my daughter would too. So fun!

Suzanne Hines

Thursday 1st of September 2016

I think this is the most brilliant idea! It's so fun and at the same time they are learning SO MUCH!

Thursday 1st of September 2016

Exactly! I couldn't agree more!!

JeeYoung W

Thursday 1st of September 2016

We love our Story Box! So much fun for both littles!

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