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Ultimate List of Quiet Sick Day Activities for Ages 3-7

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Cold and flu season is here resulting in more indoor time with our kids. Keep them busy and quiet with this ultimate list of sick day activities geared towards kids ages 3-7.

Sick Day Activities #sickday #quietactivities #preschoolactivities Tampa Lifestyle and Mom Blogger, Crazy Life with Littles shares her favorite indoor quiet activities for kids ages 3-7

I can’t believe I’m about to say this…but, my child is SICK AGAIN! It’s fine. I’m fine. We’ll all sleep again some day.

It’s going to be a long cold + flu season.

Recently I shared some mom hacks for surviving a sick day with your kids and one of the tips was being prepared with quiet activities. We all know when that medicine hits, kids tend to think they’re good as new when actually they still need to be resting.

So hand your kids a Lolleez Throat Soothing Pop and let’s get to it.

Sick Day Activities #sickday #quietactivities #preschoolactivities Tampa Lifestyle and Mom Blogger, Crazy Life with Littles shares her favorite indoor quiet activities for kids ages 3-7

Wait…a lollipop?

Yep. That’s right. Lolleez  Organic Throat Soothing Pops for Kids are the handy little hack I always keep in my mom toolkit. They’re made from USDA Certified Organic ingredients. You know the kind, the ones you can actually pronounce like organic honey and natural fruit pectin.

Lolleez are also Non-GMO and allergy friendly. (gluten, dairy and nut free)

Turn your kids grumpiness around with one of three yummy flavors: Watermelon, Strawberry and Orange Mango. Best part is they’re available like everywhere: CVS, Target, Walgreens, Kroger and on Amazon. Grab the NEW flavor – Mixed Berry with Elderberry exclusively at Walgreens.

Sick Day Activities #sickday #quietactivities #preschoolactivities Tampa Lifestyle and Mom Blogger, Crazy Life with Littles shares her favorite indoor quiet activities for kids ages 3-7

Sick Day Activities #sickday #quietactivities #preschoolactivities Tampa Lifestyle and Mom Blogger, Crazy Life with Littles shares her favorite indoor quiet activities for kids ages 3-7

OK, now on to the good stuff…how in the world do you keep your kids calm and quiet while they’re sick?

Sick Day Activities #sickday #quietactivities #preschoolactivities Tampa Lifestyle and Mom Blogger, Crazy Life with Littles shares her favorite indoor quiet activities for kids ages 3-7

Ultimate List of Quiet Sick Day Activities for Ages 3-7

This list is not just for sick days. Keep it handy for whenever you need quiet time activities, rainy day games, or just want to drink your coffee in peace!

Sick Day Activities #sickday #quietactivities #preschoolactivities Tampa Lifestyle and Mom Blogger, Crazy Life with Littles shares her favorite indoor quiet activities for kids ages 3-7

  • String Art
  • Puzzles
  • Playdoh
  • Sensory bins, like this rainbow rice bin
  • LEGOs/Block Building
  • Magnetic Tiles
  • Stickers
  • Audiobooks
  • Water color painting
  • Pipe Cleaner activities – bracelet making, threading through a pasta strainer, building, beading
  • Coloring
  • Card Games – Go Fish, War, UNO
  • Popsicle Sticks + Clothespins – seriously, just hand a kid a box of these and let their imaginations run wild.
  • Cutting + Building – have them cut dry sponges to use for building
  • Magnets – let them play on the fridge, dishwasher or even just a cookie sheet
  • Screen time – sick + snow days automatically get more screen time
  • Reading
  • Build a blanket fort
  • Take an extra long bath with figurines and cars
  • Toy Cars – map out a road/raceway with some painters tape on the floor

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